It is a busy day in Toronto as many people hustle and bustle to cross the street.
As I look around, I notice there are lots of interesting people to meet.
On our way to the Eaton centre, we devise a plan.
It is to see how many pictures we can take with strangers wheather it's a woman or man.
Our first victim is this guy, his name we do not know! We stop for directions and ask him where to go.
Thia lady is the second person and she's nice, infact, we take a picture with her twice.
Lots of people let us take their picture, but some do not, we take one woman's picture cause it's pretty funny, but I think we got caught!All in all, this concludes a pretty fun day, talking to random people in Toronto on the 21st of May.
I find that... the media trip was an excellant adventurous time and definetly not a waste of life space for future media classes! The day could have in fact been a little nicer (weather wise that is) but it was still fun. I did extremely enjoy going to MuchMusic, i felt kind of uneasy knowing i was on TV though, especially after being rained on, but it was still pretty cool. Everything at MuchMusic seemed so rushed and important because it was 'live'. There seemed to be many job oppurtunities that one may not know of by just watching the show on TV. There are plenty of jobs that are behind the camera that are probably JUST as important, if not more important than the hosts jobs. Personally, I think that any of those jobs would be a blast. The special guest, to me, was not that special, I wasn's impressed with N.E.R.D's interview. Honestly, it was pretty boring, I could have fallen asleep right there on TV. Luckily I didn't. (Their song was harsh too, I don't think half the audience ever heard of it) but that's just my opinion!! The day was very fun though, i highly recommend it for alllll other media classes! (I hope for them to get a more entertaining special guest though)
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