Don't pretend I think you know I'm damn precious And hell yeah I'm the motherf**kin' princess I can tell you like me too and you know I'm right
Well, this is what the young Avril Lavigne claims.To some, this line could be completly false..just like her songs might be.
Way back in the 70's, there was a famous rockband known as 'the Rubinoos'. They had a song that may sound a little like one you might know. Think realllly hard when you read the chorus to their song. Here it is:
Hey, Hey, You, You, I want to be your boyfriend.
Hm, are you still confused? I hope not, but if you are, here's a video of the Rubinoos song. Don't just listen to the lyrics, but also the background music.
If you guessed that it sounds like Avril Lavigne's hit single song 'Girlfriend' then you're very right. If you have never heard Avril's song, (which im sure you have because it used to be OVERplayed on the radio, tv, etc.) then here you go--a lovely video of 'girlfriend' note--if this song drives you crazy because you've heard it too many times, i feel your pain and you do not have to play this video.
When Tommy Dunbar from the Rubinoos heard Avril's song, he took action and filed a lawsuit against Avril. It was a continous battle but it was settled without a win or loss to either. Therefore, it is still unknown weather or not Avril did use thier song, or if she is completly innocent.
Im not saying that the ENTIRE song sounds alike, but I believe the chorus sure does.
Even if you do not think Avril scammed this song off the Rubinoos, you must agree that the chorus sounds somewhat familiar to each other. Yeah yeah, we KNOW that the words are alike, but come on, the beat is also alike. You can clap/tap your foot along to both the exact same way.Now that we've established that, we have to decide, was it a coincedence? Or did Avril do this on purpose? Avril states "I have never heard this song before!" Could she have possibly heard the peaches version of it then? Who in the world knows? Avril is the only one who truly knows if she's guilty or not. I personally believe she did do it, but who am i to say if she did or did not. I've never gone out for a coffee with her or anything like that. All i can do is base my opinion on the facts.
If you still are uncertain about Avril Lavigne using the Rubinoos song then what about this? The Rubinoos song is not the only case of copyright that Avril has been accused of. She has also been accused of perhaps using Blink 182's song "what's my age again". Here's a video comparing Avril's song 'Contagious' and Blink 182's song 'What's My Age Again?'
There's plenty more cases of Avril's songs sounding like Blink 182's songs and other artists as well on http://www.youtube.com/ How can these cases just be coinedences? I could see if it happned once and it was an 'accident', but there are multiple cases of her songs sounding oddly like others.
It seem that Avril takes a little TOO much inspiration from other artists. I think she should suck it up, admit she copied a few songs and start fresh.
"Avril Lavigne" Online Image.Not Listed.No date.February 23/07.http://images.odeo.com/7/4/2/avril-lavigne-the-best-damn-thing.jpg.
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